Scour-prone Floodplain Areas
   Areas likely to experience floodplain scour during major flood events
Flood Depth Maps
   High-resolution maps of flood depths associated with the 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent annual probabilities
Flood Risk Maps
   Floodplain areas associated with varying degrees of risk
Scour-Prone Floodplain Areas
Areas likely to experience floodplain scour during major flood events are identified by combining data from the statewide floodplain mapping program with land cover data and soil errodibility indices from the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Scour maps can be used to identify areas where alternative land use or cropping strategies may be beneficial in reducing flood damages and soil losses.

Flood Depths
High-resolution maps of flood depths associated with the 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent annual probabilities. Flood depth information will help to better quantify potential flood damages, helping land owners and managers to make decisions on how to utilize floodplain areas and how best to invest resources reduce risk and improve safety.

Flood Risk Gradients
Based upon flood frequency, floodplains are divided into regions of varying flood risk. Flood risk information is valuable to property owners and planners in choosing how best to utilize flood-prone lands, weighing risk of damage against potential benefits.